Since the 1980s was the decade in which the production of teenage movies boomed, we have decided to dedicate a post to each decade. Here are some unmissable teen flicks from the 1980s.
My Bodyguard (1980)
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Why? Alone for the fact that Matt Dillon is 16 years old, playing a bully.
La Boum (1980)
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Why? So you realise that the movie 'LOL' with Miley Cyrus' was not as original as you thought.
The Breakfast Club (1985)
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Why? It's a classic that demonstrates how similar your typical high school stereotypes really are.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
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Why? As a reminder that sometimes rules are made to be broken.
Back to The Future (1985)
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Why? To demonstrate the importance of hover-boards. After all, you could be the one to improve the most recent attempt:
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